Loyola University Chicago

Type of education program: 
Program name: 
Department of History Public History Program

"Public history uses the past to serve a variety of contemporary needs. It entails the application of the skills and methods of history to the study, management, preservation and interpretation of historical records and artifacts. A public historian is a professional who can put his or her knowledge and skills to use in our society in such diverse activities as museum, historical society or archival work; neighborhood or community history projects; historic preservation and cultural resource management programs; and local, state or federal research projects. Working with architects, librarians, business people, government policy analysts, exhibit designers or history enthusiasts, public historians contribute to our knowledge and understanding of the past."

In addition, Loyola University Graduate School of Arts and Science and the Dominican University Graduate School of Library Information Science have a joint degree program, in which a student can complete two degrees, a Master of Arts in Library and Information Science (MLIS) and a Master of Arts in Public History. This joint program is well suited to students wanting a career in archives.

State, province, or territory: 
