Amsterdam School of the Arts, Reinwardt Academy,
The master of Museology provides graduates with a wide range of theoretical knowledge, an academic attitude towards museology combined with applied professional competencies, equipping them for careers at policy-making, curatorial or managerial level within heritage organizations. Making the decision to study at the Reinwardt Academy means opting for intensive contact with cultural heritage – a heritage that is visible not only in objects, but in stories and recollections too. Students at the Reinwardt Academy are curious about heritage and aim to develop this curiosity to a professional level. Student develop skills which will enable them to actively take part in the public discourse about heritage and to look at heritage from a wide range of perspectives.
The master's degree program combines a high academic level with practical skills and is based on the theoretical and practical experience of lecturers, students and museum staff. The academic development of museology is closely connected with current developments in the heritage and museum field. The Master of Museology is based on a broad definition of museums. Without wishing to exclude traditional museums, the programme focuses heavily on new approaches. The use of the term museology, rather than museum studies, is not only a reference to an academic foundation but is also intended to stress the fact that the focus is not on institutional frameworks: the programme offers students the opportunity to reflect more deeply on – and to experiment with – new visions of heritage and its role in society.
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