Networking, outreach, communication, blogs, discussion, community, listservs, email lists - call it what you like - just do it! - have a conversation with your colleagues to learn and teach.
ICPN doesn't write a blog, but we'd like direct you to some websites that have informative blogs or news pages.
- 11537 reads
e-conservation blog, posts from e-conservation magazine, which is now online |
Alaska State Museum, “What’s That white Stuff” is a blog about white stuff found on artifacts and works of art., very informative with excellent photos |
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC): |
ArchivesNext, blog of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) |
at the bench, notes from a university library conservator |
Beth Heller Conservation "Fixing Paper so it lives longer" |
Duke University Libraries Preservation Underground |
Ellen Carrlee Conservation, a blog by Alaskan objects conservator |
Gordion Objects Conservation, archaeological conservation in Turkey |
Hoosier Heritage Alliance, Collections Advisor monthly e-newsletter |
Institute of Museum and Library Services blog, UpNext |
International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC), News in Conservation, |
Iowa State University, Library & Archives Preservation blog, Parks Library Preservation |
Library Grants, listings |
Library of Congress blogs: LOC blog (click on a category) |
London Metropolitan Archives Great Parchment Book, blog about saving early 1600s manuscript |
Museums on Tumblr is a list of links to museums that microblog on Tumblr. |
National Gallery of Art blog Conservation Occasional |
NPS National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, Materials Conservation |
National Trust for Historic Preservation blog, PreservationNation |
Natural History Collections Listserver (NHCOLL-L) discussion board hosted by SPNHC |
North Carolina Connecting to Collections blog collectionsconversations |
Northern States Conservation Center Collections Caretaker newsletter |
PERMIT-L listserv about collecting permits, care, legalities, and study of scientific specimens |
PCAN (Preservation & Conservation Administration News, has links to 30 blogs and 7 social media sites) |
Save Your Stuff blog, by Scott Haskins |
Smithsonian Collections Blog, posts by Archivists, Museum Specialists, and Librarians |
TSLAC Conservation (blog of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission) |
University of Iowa Libraries Preservation Beat |
USS Monitor Center Blog, preserving a piece of our Nation's heritage, lots of metal to save |