Cultural Resources of Native Americans

The National Park Service writes the following about the Tribal Preservation Program:
"The National Historic Preservation Act as amended in 1992 directs the Secretary of the Interior to establish a National Tribal Preservation Program. Administered by the National Park Service (NPS), the program is dedicated to working with Indian tribes, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and national organizations, to preserve and protect resources and traditions that are of importance to Native Americans by strengthening their capabilities for operating sustainable preservation programs. The tribal line item of the Historic Preservation Fund supports two grants programs: Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPO) and the Tribal Heritage Grants. These two grant programs provide much needed assistance to Native American communities interested in protecting their cultural heritage."

National Park Service (NPS)
Cultural Resources: Working with Native Americans homepage  Web pages with information for Native Americans about NPS programs related to preserving Tribal cultural, historical, and natural resources.