Mold and Mildew
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI)
Mould Outbreak - An Immediate Response
Conservation OnLine (CoOL)
Council of Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and Cornell University
Digital and Preservation Services: Resources and Publications - Invasion of the Giant Mold Spore
Minnesota Office of Higher Education and the University of Minnesota Libraries
Minitex: Preservation Resources - Identifying Mold on Paper
National Park Service
Conserve O Grams
- 3/1 Using a Psychrometer to Measure Relative Humidity 1993
- 3/2 Calibration of Hygrometers and Hygrothermographs 1993
- 3/3 Comparing Temperature and Relative Humidity Dataloggers for Museum Monitoring (Revised) 2011
- 3/4 Mold: Prevention of Growth in Museum Collections 2007
- 16/1 Causes, Detection, and Prevention of Mold and Mildew on Textiles 1993
Nebraska Educational Telecommunications (NET), Nebraska's PBS and NPR Stations
Saving Your Treasures click on "Protect," under Preservation Principles
Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)
- Preservation Leaflet # 3.8 Emergency Salvage of Moldy Books and Paper
- Preservation 101 Look at the lists of Resources and PDFs that supplement this online course.
Rochester Institute of Technology, Image Permanence Institute (IPI)
The Textile Museum, Washington, D.C.
- Pest Busters includes a nice little chart of what to do about destructive insects and mold
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University Library Preservation and Conservation
University of Iowa Libraries, Preservation Department
Links to mold resources:
- Major and Minor Mold Outbreaks: Summer of 2002, Public Library Quarterly v.25, no.3/4
- Chlorine Dioxide: A Treatment for Mold in Libraries. Archival Products News, Volme 10, No. 3
- Emergency Salvage of Moldy Books and Paper. Technical Leaflet from Northeast Document Conservation Center.
- Guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments. New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
- Invasion of the Giant Spore, by Sandra Nyberg. Leaflet from SOLINET Preservation Program.
- Managing a Mold Invasion: Guidelines for Disaster Response, by Lois Olcott Price. Leaflet from Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts.
- Mold as a Threat to Human Health. Abbey Newsletter, October 1994.
- A New Approach to Treating Fungus in Small Libraries, by William R. Chamberlain. Abbey Newsletter, November 1991.
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