"The Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies courses at Deakin University encourage a holistic approach, aimed at developing skills in protecting the significant elements of cultural heritage - objects, places and intangibles - and making them accessible to the public.
We focus especially on historic places, intangible heritage and museums and their collections. We regard Indigenous heritages as foundational in culture, and therefore refer to and study them throughout the curriculum. We take a transnational interest in all museum and heritage issues.
The courses are designed for Australian and international students wanting to work in the museum and built heritage sectors. As well as offering personal enrichment, graduates obtain a postgraduate qualification that will assist with professional or academic advancement."
The Department of History and Social Studies Education offers an undergraduate minor in Museum Studies, an advanced certificate in Museum Studies for those who already possess an undergraduate degree, and an MA in Museum Studies. The minor requires 18-21 credit hours in Museum Studies; the Certificate, 18 hours, and MA students specialize in collections management and curatorial practice, museum experience and education, or museum operations.
Students can earn an MA in Curatorial Studies at the Center for Curatorial Studies (CSS) at Bard College. CSS is an exhibition and research center dedicated to the study of art and exhibition practices from the 1960s to the present day.
This broadly interdisciplinary program provides practical training and experience in a museum setting and an intensive course of study in the history of the contemporary visual arts, the institutions and practices of exhibition making, and the theory and criticism of the visual arts in the modern period. The faculty includes curators and other museum professionals, scholars in the humanities and social sciences, artists, and critics. The curriculum is specifically designed to deepen students understanding of the intellectual and practical tasks of curating exhibitions of contemporary art, particularly in the complex social and cultural situations of present-day urban arts institutions, and to help students improve their interpretive and critical writing.
"Students in the M.A. program in Museum Studies develop both their expertise in an academic discipline—American Studies, Anthropology, Geology, History, or Natural History—and their knowledge of the issues and practices central to museums. As a student in the Museum Studies program, you will work with outstanding faculty and accomplished museum professionals, and you will take advantage of the rich resources of the superb museums located at the University of Kansas and in nearby communities. "
School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Museum Anthropology Program
"At the School of Human Evolution and Social Change, where our approach to anthropology encompasses the sciences, social sciences and humanities, we have developed a unique museum studies program that examines how museums produce and reflect culture and the role museums play worldwide."